Blog #6

In Gov Blog, When talking about Immigration it can lead to many positive and negative topics. As a Latina, it is hard to live in a world where people do not like me because of the way I dress, how I talk, what color my skin looks like. It is hard, extremely hard and painful to be told to "go back to my country" by people who hate the fact that I am different. DACA is an amazing thing that should not be taken away by the government just because other people "like me" are doing things illegally. DACA students fight harder to get to the same level as those who had the privilege of being born in America. Many of my friends want to become someone better than those around them but they can not because they are scared for someone taking away that dream.

DREAMERS are what they are called, and why would someone want to take those beautiful dreams of wanting to become a doctor, lawyer, surgeon, and teachers? Yes, I agree that better reinforcements should happen at the border and with immigration, but taking away children from their parents and LOCKING them up in CAGES like they are animals in inhumane and disgusting, Anyone who accepts that or has an "explanation" for that is horrible and heartless. Why should a child be punished because their parents were trying to get them to a safe place and a better life? Because last time I checked America was not discovered by Christopher Columbus... there was Native Americans living here already and many people migrated to this country. To want to live better and expand. We all have suffered before. AMERICA WAS MADE BY IMMIGRANTS AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE RUN BY IMMIGRANTS! That is what makes America great.  We should support one another and help everyone who needs it. Because one day it could be you who needs that support.


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