
Showing posts from December, 2019

Blog #8

After reading the Lovely USGovernment’s blog about “Global Climate Change” I have to agree with their discussion, something should be done as soon as possible to save our planet. We have seen so many hurricanes, wildfires and extreme weather change like nothing before and no one is doing anything about it. We as humans should step up and start taking actions, not just for us but for the future that had to come. Earth has been here for millions and millions of years, and we are killing it very fast. President Donald Trump states this is “number one “priority, but we do not see any changes happening. He cares about building a useless wall, making the richer richer and other useless things. Back in Dec 2015, he stated “All of this with global warming, a lot of it’s a hoax” If the White House and the President do not want to help and just blame other countries, we need to start taking actions and help reduce so much pollution. Recycle! Recycle will help the planet and help keep our ocea...